Please find below the information that you will need to consider and complete in full, in order to set up an alternative provision placement. Please see below:

With any supporting documents e.g. Risk Assessment, EHCP, EHA, Safeguarding information.

Fulltime Commissioning Agreement

Requires Headteacher agreement and understanding of the provision on offer.

For any individual student who requires this with any supporting documents e.g. Risk Assessment, EHCP, EHA, Safeguarding information.

With any supporting documents e.g. Risk Assessment, EHCP, EHA, Safeguarding information.

Requires Headteacher agreement and understanding of the provision on offer.

For part time placements only.

For part time placement only. The cost contract requires a physical/electronic signature for validation.

On receipt of all above points, we require 5 working days to set up any part time placement that has already been commissioned by Respect Schools.

When requesting a discrete placement or group that hasn’t already been commissioned, it can take longer than 5 days to source and set up. Consideration and arrangements for education whilst it takes place should be made by the referrer.

When requesting a full time placement, this must be discussed and agreed by Respect Panel which meets every fortnight to discuss any new referrals. Contact the Director of AP & Commissioning to ensure your referral is included on this agenda, along with the appropriate referral documents listed above.

For more detailed information please visit the relevant page that meets your referral route: