A Part Time Placement: is any referral made for an individual student, to access up to 2.5 days a week of vocational, alternative provision. We can offer you the placement with or without the J16 Officer and QA services. Please click here to visit our J16 Services page to ensure you have fully understood what the services can include and how this would work.

The Respect Collaboration of Schools has commissioned a variety of alternative provisions from a range of successful providers who applied to our DPS TD1241. This provision is available to buy for individual students and all referrals should be made to the J16 Alternative Provision Officers or the Director of AP & Commissioning in the first instance.

All providers commissioned by Respect Collaboration of Schools, where funding for the J16 Officer service is provided, will undergo termly QA appointments, ongoing checks and support, to ensure we inspire them to meet the standards required for ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding‘ Alternative Provision.

Despite the changes in our services, the government guidance remains unchanged:

The Alternative Provision, Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities, January 2013 and subsequent Ofsted reports on Alternative Provision including; Alternative Provision, The findings from Ofsted’s three-year survey of schools’ use of off-site alternative provision, Feb 2016 have informed our processes and procedures. We can therefore assure you that we are offering the best service to you as a school and that relevant data in line with current accountability frameworks will be provided.

What we require from you before the placement:

  • A complete, up to date, J16 Part-time referral form with all relevant information/data and a named school contact given.
  • Consent and understanding from the parents/carers as to reasons for the AP placement
  • Agreement from yourselves that you have recorded the reasons for your referral to alternative provision “Specific personal, social and academic needs of the pupils are properly identified and met in order to help them to overcome any barriers to attainment;” Department for Education (DfE), (2013) Alternative Provision, Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities, p. 10.
  • An agreement which clarifies responsibilities and responsibilities of each party in respect of the placement.
  • A commissioning agreement
  • Any up to date supporting documents/information on the student not included in the referral form i.e. EHCP, Risk Assessment, Safeguarding/EHA plans
  • Confirmation of costs/details of placement from the Head. The cost contract requires a physical signature for validation

What we require from you during a placement:

  • A main point of contact for all communications regarding the placement/s requested – where more than one student is referred, this should be the same person
  • To remain responsible for all aspects of the student’s education package, including communications and attendance at meetings, sharing of updated assessments, referrals or contact details, safeguarding updates etc.
  • To remain responsible for all transport to and from the provision unless this is specifically included in the placement requested
  • Continue to offer core education provision for students and to oversee this yourself if using one of the DPS providers/contracts
  • Communication in advance around known absences – these include: exams, exclusions, school trips, illness or any other reason for absence known to the school
  • Update of risk assessments and communication around any new risks that may have happened in or out of school but not with the alternative provider

NB – If at any stage a referral is deemed inappropriate, or Respect Schools are unable to meet the needs of the student, a discussion will take place with the referring school and the application process would cease.