A Full Time Alternative Provision Placement: is one that an individual student can be referred to as an agreed intervention to avoid permanent exclusion. Respect Collaboration of Schools would arrange and offer an appropriate educational package to meet the needs of the individual student. We do this by providing smaller class sizes, focussed and specialised teaching in both academic and technical qualifications and a range of supported services such as therapy, family support and special educational needs. We believe in re-engaging young people with education, respecting their uniqueness and working together to never give up! Click here to see Respect schools’ vision.

“Good alternative provision is that which appropriately meets the needs of pupils which required its use and enables them to achieve good educational attainment on par with their mainstream peers.” Department for Education (DfE), (2013) Alternative Provision, Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities, p. 10

Junction 16 will facilitate all full time AP placements into Respect Collaboration of Schools. The curriculum offer for these placements will be consistent with the current Respect Schools’ curriculum at that time1. Students will be placed via an internal panel to ensure the specific school they are assigned to can best meet their needs (Bridge Street School in the majority of cases).

A full time AP student would be dual registered. The referring school would be the main school and the Respect School would be subsidiary. For each placement to be as successful as possible, we require from the referrer:

  • A complete, up to date referral form with all relevant and comprehensive information/data included with a named school contact given
  • Agreement from yourselves that you have recorded the reasons for your referral to alternative provision “Specific personal, social and academic needs of the pupils are properly identified and met in order to help them to overcome any barriers to attainment;” Department for Education (DfE), (2013) Alternative Provision, Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities, p. 10. NB – We have recently collaborated with Landau Forte College Derby to create an appropriate and consistent format for all schools to meet Ofsted’s requirements. The Full-time Dual Reg Commissioning Agreement will be requested at referral
  • Consent and understanding from the parents/carers as to reasons for the AP placement
  • Any up to date supporting documents/information on the student not included in the referral form, i.e. EHCP, Risk Assessment, Safeguarding/EHA plans
  • Full school file/records including a detailed description of any exams/work/texts completed and any particular strengths/interests (this should be clear on the referral form)
  • Agreement of costs and provision. Placement costs are £20K per student, per academic year, plus transport and Pupil Premium money where applicable1
  • Agreement that Respect Collaboration of Schools will co-ordinate and oversee the curriculum offer for the student

With all this is in place we will support you and your student by:

  • Arranging a meeting with key staff involved with the student to hand over any important information
  • Allocating the most appropriate Respect School and communicating with the student/parent/carer to attend induction/assessment appointments before a timetable will be put in place
  • Termly feedback of students’ progress (in line with whole school feedback procedures) including academic achievements and any predicted outcomes both core and vocational
  • Timely attendance updates
  • Agreement to speak to and provide any additional data for Ofsted should this be requested for the AP placement

NB – If at any stage a referral is deemed inappropriate, or Respect Collaboration of Schools are unable to meet the needs of the student, a discussion will take place with the referring school and the application process would cease.


1There may be occasions where it is necessary to offer a personalised package of education to a student, the reasons for this would be fully documented, based on risk assessments at the time and under constant review.

2Should the costs per academic year increase, then these new charges will be applied to any existing FT AP placements from that point onwards.