Venue Address
Darley Barn, Darley Abbey, Derby, DE22 1DU
Why choose Outdoor Education with us?
Our bespoke courses are designed to nurture pupils’ holistic development whilst providing a rich, practical/theory-based curriculum centred on the ‘great outdoors’. The programmes are designed to improve facilitate numerous benefits including teamwork, communication, independent risk-taking, SEMH skills and many more – all of which has the potential to compliment the wider curriculum at the RESPECT collaboration of Schools.
Improved Physical Health:
Our courses encourage physical activity and allows students to access a wide variety of experiences to facilitate this. By participating in Outdoor Education, students can develop positive health-related habits and enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle.
Social and Emotional Development:
Opportunities for students to develop social skills and meaningful connections with their peers, staff and nature. Through teamwork, communication, and collaboration in outdoor activities, our students learn to work together, problem-solve, and support each other. This helps them develop empathy, teamwork skills and a sense of belonging – boosting their self-esteem and overall emotional well-being.
Environmental Awareness and Stewardship:
Outdoor Education fosters an understanding and appreciation for the natural environment. Students develop a sense of responsibility and become more conscious of the importance of sustainable practices and environmental conservation.
Personal Growth and Resilience:
Safely and respectfully pushing students out of their comfort zones and presenting challenges provide the opportunity to encourage personal growth and development. These experiences help students build self-confidence, develop a ‘growth mind-set’, learn to adapt and persevere in the face of adversity.
By incorporating Outdoor Education into students’ learning experiences, their overall development, academic achievements, lifelong appreciation for nature and the world around them will be greatly enhanced and developed.
Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award Information
All Year 9, 10, and 11 students referred to Outdoor Education will be enrolled in the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) programme. As part of this, they will have the opportunity to participate in an expedition during the summer term.
Students who join the course after the autumn term may not be eligible for the full DofE award but can still achieve sectional certificates based on their participation.
Those students referred after the first half of the spring term will not be placed on the DofE programme but will take part in award sessions, with the potential to earn enrichment outcomes or personal performance awards.
- Bespoke enrichment programmes
- Wildpassport enrichment scheme
- Paddle UK personal performance awards: Start, Discover, Explore and Paddle Safer
- MIAS personal performance awards: Gears levels 1-3
- MIAS accredited awards: Junior MTB leadership, Cyclefit levels 1-3
- Bush craft competencies level 2
- Introduction to woodland management level 2
- Navigator award Bronze and Silver (NNAS)
- D of E Bronze and Silver*
*Students who join the D of E course midway may not be eligible for the full award but may receive sectional certificates depending on the time of referral.
Venue Address
Darley Barn Outdoor Centre, Darley Abbey, Derby, DE22 1DU
Post 16 destinations/careers:
Useful resources and links:
Meet the Team
Our Gallery