For the 16th consecutive year, Junction 16 will continue to offer a robust and consistent quality assurance service for alternative provision in the city (recognised in our most recent Ofsted in March 2023). We remain extremely proud of our services and the support we provide that is valued by schools and young people who access it.

We have extended the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for another 12 months minimum, in order to be able to continue commissioning alternative provision on your behalf. It remains a flexible, competitive and approved way of working with any alternative provider.

When a school or organisation chooses to buy outside of this system they would need to provide and fund their own ongoing quality assurance checks in line with all elements of the Department for Education (DfE), (2013) Alternative Provision, Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities

Quality Assurance of alternative provision remains a priority. We carry out lesson observations and quality visits for all providers; we offer appropriate training to them throughout the year; we quality assure and feedback to schools regularly; we ensure Ofsted compliance for all provisions we support; we offer mentor support to each individual and a school link to ensure good communication and liaison.

Changes to our services

We are very pleased to be able to continue offering all of the services you have come to know and respect of Junction 16, including commissioning, contractual management, one point of contact through the J16 Alternative Provision Officer service, quality assurance and much more.

We maintain reasonable and essential service charges to enable us to deliver these services on your behalf. For additional information, please refer to our J16 Services page.

We will endeavour to maintain excellent relationships with the young people, parents or carers, schools and providers who we work with and will continue to strive to provide the highest quality, supportive service, to all those who access it.